Mast Cells and Immunity

Mast cells are granulocytes that discharge histamines, cytokines, leukotrienes and prostaglandins when triggered by specific stimuli like allergens. Mast cells are present in most tissues including gut, lung, brain and connective tissue.
A dysregulated breakdown of mast cells can result in allergy/hyper-inflammation. Mast cells have been suspected to play a role in the severity of some viral infections.
Viruses and artificial inoculation that are capable of triggering mast cells via their ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) receptor, increase the risk of svere outcomes particularly people with underlying mast cell destabilization due to environmental exposures, chronic inflammation or pre-exisitng conditions such as dysbiosis.
Mast cells can activate spontaneously in a Vitamin D deficient environment. Glyphosate exposure also increases the number of mast cells in the gastrointestinal tract.
Chronic inflammation depletes Vitamin D
Maintaining adequate plasma levels of Vitamin D is not simply a matter of dietary intake and sun exposure, but also depends upon the reduction in pollution exposure and a healthy microbiome(regular ferment with a high gene count-prevotella enterotypes).
Stabilisation of mast cells requires maintaining a healthy gut barrier to prevent inflammatory endotoxins like LPS which are produced by certain strains of gut bacteria from entering the bloodstream. This can also cause Vitamin D degradation. Dysregulated mast cells can pose a challenge to healing the gut as they contribute to the gut barrier dysfunction.
Mast cells play a central role in initiating and maintaining inflammation, particularly in allergies and asthma. Although mast cells can be found in all well vascularised tissues, they are predominantly found in tissues where our body makes contact with the outside world. These tissues include the gastrointestinal tract, upper and lower airways, and the skin.
Reactions to food allergens are typically the result of intestinal mast cell activation.
Dietary fibre, especially polysaccharides and oligosaccharides and metabolites, i.e., short chain fatty acids can regulate mast cell function.
Diets high in fibre can prevent sensitization of mast cells either by inhibiting allergen digestion or by up regulating galactin-9 expression, thus blocking the formation of IgE antigen complexes.